With the sudden outbreak of a deadly virus, humanity is thrown into chaos. The few who survive it are either transformed into horrible cannibalistic creatures called “Worms,” or super-humans called “Anomalies.” Haru, a young Anomaly student at New Seoul High School, dreams of joining the prestigious “ISO” – an organization formed to fight the war against this virus. But the future in store for him is nothing like he imagined…
waste of time, weak mc physically and mentally for 150 chapters (spoil), trash character development, doesn’t learn from his mistakes, and doesn’t stop to be saved by everyone. The intrigue isn’t good, we do not know how to situate ourselves in time and space, half of this manwha is flashbacks. Empty dialogues… such a waste of time, world building and potential.
If I kept reading it was only because I was waiting the mc to become somewhat strong, but it was a mistake from me. Don’t waste your time like me there are plenty of apocalyptic, survival, action manwha x10 better than this.